Hard Drive Case Xbox 360
CARA MEMBUAT HDD XBOX SENDIRI http://digiex.net/guides-reviews/console-guides/xbox-360-guides/3152-xbox-360-how-hack-250gb-sata-drive-work-xbox-360-xbox-360-slim.html#post21373
- Best replacement for your old, damaged, broken hard drive case.
- Screws are included, easy to install.
- Compatible with Xbox 360 20GB/60GB/120GB HDD.
- Brand new product with high quality.
tutorial membuat hdd xbox 360 sendiri , menghemat 200-300rb dari harga di toko game
- 1. Beli HDD 2.5" merk Western Digital (harus Western Digital) yg tipe/seri nya harus dari salah satu ini:
- WD Scorpio Series BEVS/BEAS
- WD Scorpio Blue Series BEVS/BEVT
- WD Scorpio Black Series BEKT/BJKT
- WD VelociRaptor Series - belinya disini http://www.enterkomputer.com/ atau http://rakitan.net/ harga sekitar 350rb
- 2. Bikin bootable USB Drive pake Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool.
Download di: http://digiex.net/attachments/comput...eator_tool.rar
abis download Unzip file masukin USB Flashdisk apa aja terus buka program nya (buka nya klik kanan Run as administrator) dan ikuti langkah berikut ini:
1. Pilih USB lu
2. Set File System ke FAT
3. Centang Quick Format sama Create Bootable Device
4. Pilih kotak yg ada 3 titik, terus pilih USB Drive Boot FilesMS-DOS folder sebagai lokasi nya.
5. Pencet start - kalo mau gampang liat gambar nya aja:
- 3.
Download Xbox 360 250GB Hard Drive Security Sector, file yg di download
tergantung size hdd yg mau di hack (misal lu mau hack yg 250GB, ya
download file yg buat hack hdd 250 GB), mulai dari 20GB-250GB, nih link
download nya:
1. 20 GB
2. 60 GB
3. 120 GB
4. 250 GB
kalo udh download file di atas, sekarang Download Download HDDHackr v1.22 Build 20091022
kalo udh, UNZIP kedua file tersebut ke USB yg udh lu boot tadi, pastikan lu ganti nama file HDD Security Sector nya jadi HDDSS.BIN (sebelum di ganti nama nya HDDSS_250.BIN, angka nya gak mesti 250, tergantung file yg lu donlot tadi yg mana, kalo misalkan buat 120 GB ya sebelum di ganti nama nya HDDSS_120.BIN)
hasil di dalam usb yg udh lu boot tadi akan seperti ini: - (tenang aja, file UNDO.BIN nya gak akan muncul sekarang
4. Matiin komputer, cabut semua device yg ada (kecuali mouse keyboard, dan USB yg udh di boot tadi biar gak salah hack nanti nya)
5. Pasang HDD yg mau di hack ke colokan SATA di komputer /PC
6. Nyalain komputer, masuk ke bios configuration, pastikan SATA Operation Mode di set ke ATA atau disable AHCI, nama nya tergantung dari motherboard yg di pake (biasanya bikin bingung, yg bisa bikin orang gagal hack HDD nya nih)
7. Suruh komputer Boot from the USB Drive, pencetan buat Boot from the USB Drive dari keyboard di tiap motherboard beda beda, ada yg F11,dll, tergantung komputer lu pake motherboard apa. Terus pilih lu mau boot dari drive mana
8. lu bakal masuk di dosprompt, ketik hddhackr, pencet Enter- 9. hddhackr bakal munculin list semua drive yg ada di komputer, cari nama HDD yg lu mau hack
- disini mucul nama hdd nya di no 5, berarti pencet no 5
10. abis pencet nomer hdd nya barusan, lu bakalan di tanya mau dump, flash atau restore the firmware, pencet F di keyboard buat flash
11. ketik di security sector yg mau di flash HDDSS.BIN
12. lu bakalan dapet pesen, the information in file HDDSS.BIN does not match the drive’s firmware info. Do you want to flash the Xbox 360 compatible firmware. pilih/pencet YES. - 13. abis itu lu bakal di tanya lagi, mau create partition 0/2/3 apa ngak, pilih YES
- file
UNDO.BIN yg diatas tadi bakalan muncul di USB lu sekarang, ini berguna
kalo lu mau balikin HDD yg udh lu hack tadi bisa jadi hdd komputer lagi
============================================= - CARA MEMBUKA CASING HDD XBOX 360 (butuh obeng t6)
- Opening the 360 drive enclosure
Now you need to open your Xbox 360 hard drive, you will need a Torx T6 screwdriver to do this.
You can now remove the top, the mechanism to lock/unlock the HDD-bay on your Xbox 360 console might fall out… don’t worry it’s easy enough its put back together, just look how it is in my photo below.
Now you have 4 more screws to remove, these require a Torx T10 screwdriver, you can then remove the metal case.
Now you can unplug the power and sata cable from the drive, then slide it out pulling the drive gentily up as you do so.
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